Friday, June 14, 2013

High 5 For Friday.......

1. There's nothing like being upgraded on a flight.....A little more leg room=One Happy Traveler!

2.  Loved that my cab driver from the Toronto Airport had was a closet Disco Man!

3.  My new travel hair care routine......Let's just say the Ottawa water and lack of good hair products did not make for a very pretty week.  Thankfully, Toronto was much better in the hair department.

4.  This was my snacking material for the last three days in Canada.  I was lucky enough to have a market with a fruit and salad bar just around the corner from my hotel.  YUMMY!!!

5.  Strawberry, banana Jamba Juice.  I think I will.  

High 5 Everyone!! 

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Instagram: Reddersideofpink
YouTube: Redder Side of Pink
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Twitter: @Kariannsmith

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  1. I love fruit for snacks and upgrades on planes are always nice :)

  2. I do agree. I love being upgraded, there's nothing better. Those fruits look delicious. btw I'm now following you on Twitter and FB. :)

    1. Thanks!! I am following you as well. Although, I think I am following you on Instagram, FB and Twitter........I think... :)
