Friday, August 30, 2013


1.  LOVE shopping with my family.  And LOVE that this guy is dating my sister!  What a trooper
2.  This is what happens when KA lets her hair air dry.  (Yes I am speaking about myself in the 3rd person)
3.  How can you not love this little guy?  
4.  The art of a 5 year old boy.  How can we forget about the art of a 5 year old boy?
5.  So grateful that God produces a means for our earth to replenish, but also grateful that we got out of this storm safely.  

High Five Everyone!!!!

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  1. My hair is all crazy when i let it air dry! haha!
    Stopping by from HF4F!
    Come link up with us! Would love to have you follow along check out my blog:

  2. Your hair reminds me what happens with mine without blowdying ;)
    Noor @ Noor's Place
