Friday, July 12, 2013


1.  Love that the kiddos are so excited when they lose their teeth.  The tooth fairy came to visit us this week.  :)
2.  During out debt pay down, I love that we can get things on sale.  HUGE sale at Old Navy this week.
3.  Thankful for all of the men and women that are putting out the fires here in Colorado and everywhere else.  Praying for the Arizona hot shot families that lost their loved ones this week.
4.  Can anyone say CRUISE?  I think there might be one in our future.  :)
5.  We finally broke down and got a grill.  Our other one was left in Iowa.  Boy did we miss it.  We LOVE grilled food.

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  1. We love grilled food as well and only kids get excited when they lose a tooth. At my age I try and keep them all in and hope the tooth fairy stay very very far away. Sounds like things are on the way up! :)

  2. We are big on grilled food too :)
