Monday, August 26, 2013

Mischievous Monday........

Ok....So I seriously can not believe I am sharing this with everyone except to get some support. If you are easily offended, or only a mother of girls and have no brothers, this may not be the post for you..... Here goes.

Boys have penises. Just in case you didn't know. When boys are little and discovering what their penises can do, it can make for some interesting conversations with your little guy. Like "We don't pee off of the deck" or "Our penises are not sprinklers". Any way, now that I have said the word penis more times in one conversation than I ever have before.......Here comes the mischievous part of my post.

So you all know our youngest is 5. Well Little Lord Fauntleroy has decided to explore his "potty" options. This may mean that he pees in his bathtub......Our shower.......again off of the deck..... Evidently this also means that he pees in the drainage hole in the garage and makes a little art while doing so. I don't want to impede the little guys creative side, but seriously. GROSS!!!!!

Yesterday, my husband was in the house and heard the garage door open. Now the garage is right next to the downstairs bathroom so having Elliot head that direction is not unusual. By the time DH got to garage door, Elliot had already created his "art". When my husband asked him if in fact he had peed on the garage floor my little angels response was, "No, dad. Addy did it."

Ok. Let's recap. Elliot=BOY, with boy parts. Addy=GIRL, with girl parts. Clearly my 5 year old does not understand physics and that it would be IMPOSSIBLE for sweet Addy to urinate in the below pattern, but it didn't stop him from throwing her under the bus. At any rate, DH is smarter than that and re-asked the question. He did get a more honest response that time. Please tell me that my child is not the only one with "pee creativity"......Good heavens.

Mischievous Mondays


  1. Oh my! This makes me thankful I have a little girl! Well, almost. We deal with a lot of "please stop showing the random people in Wal-Mart your boobies". LOL

  2. HAHAHAAHAH I love it!! I only have girls but I have 2 nephews that went through this...I would love to tell you that they out grow it...however...I know a few grown men that STILL insist on peeing in the strangest places...and I can say from a girls perspective it would be neat to be able to make art! lol

  3. Boys! You are definitely not alone! While I don't have a little boys, I have 2 younger brothers. The antics they got up to are... GROSS! They finally got out of the habit... around company. ;)

  4. Lil boys and their personal toy. My youngest is potty training and asked to pee outside a few days ago. We have two dogs and we tell him that they are going potty outside so I think he thought it was ok. I had to explain to him that he has to potty inside on the potty.
