Well here goes. I debated long and hard as to whether or not to blog about our journey. I read many blogs and books about finances. I am a self proclaimed "expert" in the financial world. I can tell you the difference between all types of insurances, give an educated opinion about whether or not saving to your 401(k) may or may not be right for you and so on. I can give you at least 4 different ways a family could budget and even help you save money on various things like groceries, school, and entertainment. The problem is, with all of this knowledge, my family and I are still in debt. We let our emotions take over the "budget" that we have, regularly.
When I sit down, I look at our debts and am not always honest about what we owe. We have paid off our credit cards several times, yet have no savings and ignore some of our other debts. Last year, all of our other debts came flying into my face while my husband was out of work. He looked for work but couldn't find anything locally. On top of that, he sustained an injury that left him bed ridden for about 3 months. Of course with that, came more debt in the form of medical bills.
My hope is that with my honesty about our debt and our struggles to "be good" and pay down our debt and finally save for the first time in our relationship, I can help others with this same struggle, heal relationships that have been broken and find some healing for our family, keeping our kids from falling into the same trap.
This is our journey. Thank you for reading.
Your blog looks great, I most specially like the we expect more from others thing,